Project Overview
Inside Condominio Montezuma, this residence stands out as a one-bedroom house designed in a loft style, featuring double-height levels for the garage, living area, and bedroom. The architectural approach embraces an industrial aesthetic, characterized by exposed structural elements and a minimalist design ethos.
One of the notable bioclimatic design features is the intentional placement of a side walkway along the eastern side of the house. This design decision optimizes the use of morning sunlight, harnessing its natural warmth and illumination to enhance the indoor environment. By maximizing daylight exposure in the morning, the residence reduces reliance on artificial lighting during daylight hours, contributing to energy efficiency.
Puente de Piedra, Grecia, Alajuela
Studio / Atelier:
ABV Architecture
Property Area:
197.00 m2
Building Area:
145.00 m2

Orientation and Solar Exposure
Moreover, the orientation of the house minimizes exposure to direct western sunlight, which is typically more intense and can lead to overheating during certain times of the day. This thoughtful consideration helps regulate indoor temperatures naturally, reducing the need for excessive cooling mechanisms and thereby lowering energy consumption

Expanding for Mid – Long Term
In terms of sustainability, the house has been designed with future expansion in mind. It offers the flexibility to expand to two additional rooms, accommodating changing needs or family growth over time without requiring significant alterations to the existing structure. This adaptive reuse of space promotes longevity and minimizes the environmental impact associated with new construction.

Overall, this residence at Condominio Montezuma exemplifies bioclimatic principles by integrating architectural design with environmental considerations. From maximizing natural light to strategic orientation for thermal comfort, every aspect of the design contributes to sustainability and enhanced living quality.